3 Quotes & Sayings By Colin G Calloway

Colin Calloway is the author of the New York Times bestselling memoir, The Man Who Never Read. He is also the author of the fictional novella, The Life and Times of Montrose Maguire. A graduate of Yale University, he has spent much of his career as an investment banker and commentator on financial topics. He lives in New York City with his wife and two sons.

Since much of American taxes prior to 1763 went to support the local clergy, one humorist suggested the opportunity to vote on that. If the minister was turned out, he could open a tavern and preach to his customers if he served them liquor. Colin G. Calloway
Americans in 1763 lived always in the shadow and presence of death. Death was not yet romanticized as it would be in the 19th century, nor yet sanitized as it would be in the 20th century. Colin G. Calloway